Ljubiteljica zajtrkov
Že od majhnega nam vbijajo v glavo, da je zajtrk najpomembnejši obrok dneva. Se vsekakor strinjam. Vendar, kakšen zajtrk naj bi bil primeren za tvoje telo je odvisno od posameznika, vsako telo je drugačno, treba je ugotoviti kaj tvojemu odgovarja (psstt…treba je ugotoviti katera doša je dominantna v tvojem telesu. Vsi, ki veste kaj o ayurvedi, veste o čem pišem).
Včasih sem se po zajtrku počutila grozno, lenobno, vsa energija mi je šla v prebavo in nič se mi ni ljubilo. Dejansko to sploh ni bil zajtrk, ki te poživi in ti “zaštarta” prebavo, zbudi telo in da energijo.
Zjutraj jej kot kralj, opoldne kot meščan, zvečer kot berač (slovenski pregovor)
Ni res! Važno je, da je hrana, ki jo zjutraj zaužiješ prava za tvoje telo. Da ti nudi tisti pravi zagon, energijo in da se po njej dobro počutiš. Ni pomembno koliko poješ, ampak kaj poješ.
Moji zajtrki se razlikujejo glede na jutranje počutje, dejansko več ne razmišljam po čem hrepeni moj jezik, ampak kaj je dobro za organizem, kljub temu je vse kar si pripravim “njamsi”😋😋😋
Nekoč sem uživala polnozrnat kruh, mlečne izdelke, meso itd. imela sem konstantne težave s prebavo, želodcem in telesnim počutjem. Pa nato padec imunskega sistema, ki je seveda v tesni povezavi s prebavo oz. črevesjem. Konstantne angine, prehladi…bila sem brez energije, temu se je zvesto priključeval še stres in utrujenost…začaran krog!
Odpisala sem gluten in meso. Kot nadomestek mleka uporabljam kokosovo, sojino, riževo, madljevo mleko oz. napitek. Jogurtov ne uživam, včasih pojem rezino sira in žlico kisle smetane, prav tako jem jajca in ribe, ter seveda meni najljubšo zelenjavo, sadje, stročnice, oreščke in vsa žita, ki ne vsebujejo glutena. Zvečer se izogibam svežega sadja in zelenjave. Sicer pa se tudi ne sekiram preveč, če je v brezglutenskem piškotu ali kruhu mleko ali maslo.😊😊😊
Važno je da “zbalanciraš” svojo prehrano, opazuješ kar ti paše oz. kaj te utruja. Po kateri hrani si kot uvela roža in se ti nič ne ljubi, medtem ko si po super hrani kot poskočen muzikant, svež in pripravljen za žur.😉😁😊
Vsekakor ne smem pozabiti na jogo, ki je že kar nekaj let moj sopotnik in pozitivno ter ugodno vpliva na moje telo, um in dušo.
Zazri se vase in opazuj svojo prebavo in energijo po obroku.
Le zakaj konstantno ješ z jezikom? Saj ne živiš zato, da ješ. Ampak ješ zato, da živiš.
Obožujem razne kaše za zajtrk. Ovseni kosmiči, corn flex, amarant pops, riževi kosmiči (ekspandiran riž)…seveda z dodatki, suho ali sveže sadje (ali oboje😊), chia semena, drobljeni oreščki ali celi, med, agavin sirup, cimet, bučna semena, sezam, lanena semena itd. Včasih tudi brezglutenski polnozrnat kruh s humusom itd. Seveda ne smem pozabiti na ingverjev čaj (s svežim ingverjem) z limono in občasno z medom😋.
Želim si jesti čimbolj raznoliko in pokriti hranilne potrebe svojega organizma, brez da bi se ob tem počutila obteženo. In veseli me, da mi uspeva 😉.
Namasté in dober tek 😋
Even from a small kid, they beat us in the head that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I definitely agree. However, what kind of breakfast is appropriate for your body depends on the individual, each body is different, you need to figure out what is good for your organism (psstt … it is necessary to determine which dosha is dominant in your body. Anyone who knows anything about ayurveda, you know what I’m writing about).
Sometimes after breakfast I felt terrible, lazy, all the energy went to digestion and I didn’t want to do anything . In fact, it was not even a breakfast that invigorates you and “push” digestion, awaken the body and give energy.
In the morning, eat as a king, at noon, like a bourgeois, in the evening as a beggar (Slovenian proverb)
It’s not true! It is important that the food you eat in the morning is right for your body. It offers you the right momentum, energy and you feel good about it. It does not matter how much you eat, but what you eat.
My breakfast is different depending on the morning’s feeling, I do not really think about what my tongue longs for, but what’s good for the organism, nevertheless, everything that I prepare is “yummy” 😋😋😋
I once enjoyed whole-grain bread, dairy products, meat, etc. I had constant problems with digestion, stomach and body health. And then the fall of the immune system, which is, of course, closely related to digestion, bowels. Constant angina, colds … I was powerless, and stress and fatigue attached to it faithfully … a vicious circle!
I wrote off gluten and meat. As a substitute for milk, I use coconut, soy, rice, almond milk (drink). I do not eat yogurt, sometimes I eat a slice of cheese and a spoonful of sour cream, I also eat eggs and fish, and of course I like my favorite vegetables, fruits, pulses, nuts and all cereals that do not contain gluten. In the evening, I avoid fresh fruit and vegetables. Otherwise, I do not even care too much if milk or butter is in a gluten-free cookie or bread.
It is important that you balance your diet, observe which food makes you good and what makes you tired. After which you feel like roasted flower, and you do not like to do anything, while you are after another type of food like super-savored as a popped musician, fresh and ready for a party.
In any case, I must not forget the yoga that has been my companion for several years and has a positive and positive effect on my body, mind and soul.
Look at yourself and observe your digestion and energy after a meal.
Why are you constantly eating with your tongue? You do not live to eat. But you eat to live.
I love various breakfast porridges: Oatmeal flakes, corn flakes, amaranth pops, rice flakes (expanded rice) … of course with additives, dried or fresh fruits (or both), chia seeds, crushed nuts or whole, honey, agave syrup, cinnamon, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, etc. Sometimes also gluten-free wholegrain bread with humus, etc. Of course, I must not forget the ginger tea (with fresh ginger) with lemon and occasionally with honey.
I want to eat as diverse as possible and to cover the nutritional needs of my organism, without feeling tired. And I’m glad that I succeeded. 😍😍😍